Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."
E. B. White

I have been getting very little done in the last week or so besides working my way happily through much of Jane Austen, some of Tolstoy, the Polish pope, and C.S. Lewis. It has been a week of snow piles and cold days. Days that urge so sweetly that I curl up on the blue seat with tea and peppermints and my latest book.

That's not to say I've done nothing else, but anything productive that I've managed to do this week was done in bursts of time, between books, and done with a restless energy that only takes me away from reading so that I can think about what I've read, run over it all in my mind again and dwell on my favorite bits. I love these breaks in life, when I fall headlong into my books and come out again refreashed and encouraged from having learned again how to see the world in a new and beautiful way.

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